(Screenshot from game)
Mario Flight Simulator is a group project created by by Angeli Amascual, Alton Lee, and Koby Villalobos. We made a game that was mario themed, and was inspired by flappy bird. You control mario(or luigi) and fly past bullet bills while collecting coins to increase your score. You are given a certain amount of health, but may recover some health by collecting mushrooms. The longer the game runs, the faster the bullet bills fly by! Your score will be recorded, so challenge yourself to beat the high-scores. I was able to learn how to work in a team setting by doing this project. It was very important for us to communicate clearly about what we were doing, so none of us were wasting time doing unecessary work.
For this project, I worked on four classes. These classes are “Health.java”, “Block.java”, “GameSet.java”, and “MainFunc.java”. For “Health.java”, I created a health system, where when hit by bullet bills your health would decrease until reaching zero, where the game would end. You may also increase your health when collecting mushrooms. In the “Block.java: class, I made the bullet bills who fly past the screen, and reset their position to go back into the screen in an infinite loop. “GameSet.java” is a class that configures the different elements of the game, such as the Background, music, etc. Lastly “MainFunc.java” is a class that includes the main function, which combines all the other classes in the project.
You can see the code in my repository Koby Villalobos’s GitHub.